Rev. David D. M. King, Ph.D.

is an ordained elder in The United Methodist Church, a scholar of New Testament, a Civil Air Patrol chaplain, a jazz pianist and composer.

I’ve served as pastor of Forest Grove United Methodist Church since 2020, having previously served at the Spirit of Grace (ELCA-UMC) in Hood River, James Memorial UMC in Hudson, Colorado, and Coos Bay United Methodist Church.

I studied New Testament and Early Christianity at Iliff School of Theology and University of Denver, graduating with an M.Div. in 2006, an M.A. in 2011, and a Ph.D. in 2019. My dissertation, Reclaiming the Radical Economic Message of Luke, is now available from Wipf & Stock and on Amazon.

I currently serve as Oregon Wing Chaplain in the Civil Air Patrol, an all-volunteer, civilian auxiliary of the US Air Force. We are currently recruiting new chaplains in Oregon. Clergy of any faith tradition who are able to work in pluralistic environment are encouraged to inquire.

Much of early training was as a musician, with piano as my primary instrument. I’m getting back into it now. I have several recordings and compositions currently available.

Happy to be living in Oregon, my native state, with my wire, Melissa and our three kids, Karthik, Kaylah, and Kiahla, along with our dog, Bishop, and two cats, Nox and Eclipse.